Git command and flow.

I. Git branch strategy

master branch

  • this is main branch, fist commit to this branch
  • this branch always be merged, not merge to any branch
  • be up to date

develop branch

  • main branch for develop
  • this branch need qualites same as master branch
  • sometime merge to master branch

feature[feature-name] branch

  • sub branch for a new feature
  • get new from develop branch
  • finish rebase to develop branch or merge to develop branch

bugfix[bug-name] branch

  • sub branch for fix each bug
  • get new from master branch
  • after pass test then merge to develop branch

release[1.x] branch

  • branch for deploy stage and production
  • get new from master branch
  • have description of features and bugs is resolved
  • after fixed and pass testing then merge develop branch and master branch

hotfix[hotfix-name] branch

  • sub branch for hot fix bug of release/stage/production branch
  • get new from master branch
  • after fixed and pass testing then merge to master and develop branch


  • What different of develop branch with other branch?
  • master branch stores the official release history.
  • develop branch serves as an integration branch for features. +

  • What different of bugfix branch with hotfix branch?
  • bugfix after testing, hotfix after release or deploy stage/production. + —

II. Git account setting

  • check git version:
    git --version
  • set user name:
    git config --global "[user-name]"
  • show user name:
    git config --global
  • caching git:
    git config --global credential.helper wincred
  • push with new account need to use this command then submit new authentication:
    git push origin master

III. Git command on repository

Show branch

  • show all branch on local checked out:
    git branch
  • show all branch on remote and local:
    git branch -a
  • show file on branch:
    git ls-tree -r [branch-name]

2. checkout a branch

  • checkout an exist branch:
    git checkout [branch-name]
  • checkout a new branch:
    git checkout -b [branch-name]

Fetch from branch

  • fetch from current branch:
    git fetch
  • fetch from a branch:
    fetch [branch-name]

Create branch

  • create new branch and checkout this in local repository:
    git checkout -b [branch-name]
  • create new branch on local and push it to remote repository:
    git checkout -b [branch-name]
    git push [branch-name] [branch-remote-name]

Add files change

  • commit a file:
    git add -[file-name]
  • commit all files, file new, file exist:
    git add .
  • commit all files, file exist and file is deleted:
    git add . -u
  • commit all files, file new, file exist and file is deleted:
    git add . -A

Unstage file

  • reset HEAD cusor:
    git reset HEAD
  • undo add all files:
    git reset
  • undo add a file:
    git reset --[file-name]

Discard file

  • checkout a file:
    git checkout --[file-name]
  • checkout all files:
    git checkout -- .
  • discard all change and clean:
    git reset
    git checkout .
    git clean -fdx
    git clean -df

Remove a file on staging area

git rm --cached [file-name]

Commit change

  • commit with message:
    git commit -m "sort description"
  • add and commit with message:
    git commit -a -m "sort description"
  • commit empty to trigger rebuild
    git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger rebuild"

Push change

  • push change to origin on current branch:
    git push [remote-name] : [branch-name]
  • if status is checkout a branch-name and we want to push this branch:
    git push
  • push a local branch to upstream of parent branch on remote:
    git push --set-upstream [remote-name] [branch-name]
  • if we want to push current branch:
    git push -u [remote-name] HEAD
  • push single tag:
    git push [remote-branch] [tag-name]
  • push all tags:
    git push [remote-branch] --tags

Delete branch

  • delete branch on local:
    git branch -d [branch_name]
  • delete branch on remote:
    git push origin --delete [branch_name]

Rename branch

  • rename your local branch, if you are on local branch:
    git branch -m [new-name]
  • if you are on a different branch:
    git branch -m [old-name] [new-name]
  • delete the old remote branch and push the new branch:
    git push origin :[old-name] [new-name]
  • reset the upstream branch for the new branch local branch:
    git push origin -u [new-branch]

Rebase branch, rebase a feature branch to master branch

git checkout [feature\branch-name]
git rebase to master
  • if conflic => resolve conflic => commit file after resolve => push to feature/branch-name
    git rebase --continue
  • if conflic => if not resolve then skip step
    git rebase --skip
  • if all point are rebase, ready to merge new commit to master
    git checkout master
    git merge feature/branch-name
  • after merge all commit of feature/branch-name on head of master
  • if pass QA test, remove features/branch-name

Merge branch

  • merge a feature branch to master branch:
    git checkout master
    git merge feature/branch-name
    git push
  • merge feature branch no-ff branch develop branch:
    git checkout develop
    git merge --no-ff feature
    git branch -d feature
    git push origin develop


  • add tag:
    git tag -a [tag-name] -m "[tag-description]"
  • show info of tag:
    git show tag [tag-name]
  • show list tag:
    git tag
    git tag -l
  • show list tag like character:
    git tag -l "[v1.0*]"
  • push and share tag:
    git push origin [tag-name]
  • push and share not aready tags:
    git push origin --tags

Log infomation

  • log infomation commit:
    git log --oneline
  • show infomation commit of HEAD cusor:
    git reflog

Reset a commit

  • reset all change and not commit at HEAD cusor:
    git reset --hard HEAD
  • reset hard, is remove commit in remote and working space, very clean:
    git reset --hard [commit-SHA1]
  • reset soft, remove commit but keep change of this commit:
    git reset --soft [commit-SHA1]
  • reset mixed:
    git reset --mixed [commit-SHA1]
  • reset merge:
    git reset --merge [commit-SHA1]
  • reset keep:
    git reset --keep [commit-SHA1]

Recover a reseted commit

  • recover a reseted commit
    git branch recover-branch [commit-SHA1]
  • can recover file added when reset commit occour:
    git fsck --full
    git show [commit-SHA1]
  • show change infomation, can apply change file again

Revert a commit

  • undo a merge commit and want to keep history commit:
    git revert HEAD

Amend a commit

  • you commied a file then if you want add a new file change in a commited:
    git commit --amend --no-edit


  • when you checkouting a branch and have a change, git stash save a change when you want to checkout another branch:
    git stash save
  • show list stash:
    git stash list
  • delete a stash, n is stash number:
    git stash pop stash@{n}
  • delete all stash: git stash clear

Git flow, this is template base on Vincent Driessen

  • init a git flow:
    git flow init
  • git flow for a feature:
    git flow feature start [feature-name]
    git flow feature finish [feature-name]
    git flow feature publish [feature-name]
    git flow feature pull [remote-name] [feature-name]
  • git flow for a release:
    git flow release start RELEASE [BASE]
    git flow release publish RELEASE
    git flow release track RELEASE
    git flow release finish RELEASE
  • git flow for a hotfix:
    git flow hotfix start VERSION [base-name]
    git flow hotfix finish VERSION


Allows you to pick any commits you made in any branch to any other branch. In your case you can simply checkout master branch and then cherry-pick all the commits from any branch that you wish.

git add -[branch-name-A]
git commit -m "[fix-name]"
git checkout -[branch-name-B]
git cherry-pick [branch-name-A]

Remove sensitive git history

  • Check out to a temporary branch: git checkout --orphan TEMP_BRANCH

  • Add all the files: git add -A

  • Commit the changes: git commit -am "Initial commit"

  • Delete the old branch: git branch -D master

  • Rename the temporary branch to master: git branch -m master

  • Finally, force update to our repository: git push -f origin master

Add remote to source

  • Add remote to exist source code: git init git remote add origin [fir-url]

  • Solve pull issue The “fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories” Git error: git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories


  • What are different between reset and revert commit?

