Security for Web
- Known about OWASP organization
- Top 10 security problem
- Injection
- Broken Authentication and Session Management
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Insecure Direct Object References
- Security Misconfiguration
- Sensitive Data Exposure
- Missing Function Level Access Control
- Cross Site Request Forgrey (CSRF)
- Using Known Vulnerable Components
- Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software. Through community-led open source software projects, hundreds of local chapters worldwide, tens of thousands of members, and leading educational and training conferences, the OWASP Foundation is the source for developers and technologists to secure the web.
You can see top 10 web application security risks at owasp top 10
1. Injection
1.1 SQL Injection
- Current system: Query without checking
FindUser(username, password){ String sql = "select * from users where user_name = '" + username + "' and password = '" + encrypt(password) "'"; contextDatabase.executeQuery(sql); }
- Hacker action: Input
username = test' or '1'='1
, the sql have been executed alway true:.... user_name = 'test' or '1'='1' and ...
- Result: Get all users of the database
- Verify input data
- Don’t use concatenated params with string query, use Prepared Statements (Parameterized queries).
- White list input validation
1.2 OS Command Injection
- Current system: A method action with command
ExecuteFile(String fileName){ String file = 'fileName'; String command = "/usr/bin/find . -name " + fileName; process = Runtime.getRuntime(); process.exec(command); }
- Hacker action: Input fileName = “abc.txt; rm -rf *”
- Result: All fields will be deleted
- Verify data input
- Use white list, regular expression to verify the character allowed to use..
2. Broken Authentication and Session Management
Current system: Password is not strong (default, week password…)
Leaked Session IDs show in the URL
Doesn’t properly invalidate Session IDs
Doesn’t roate Session IDs after login successful\ -
Hacker action: check to detect and steal passwords, session to fake users
- Storage password need to encryption, strong password, multi-factor authentication,…
- Limit or increasingly delay failed login attempts
- Server alway check logging in with an available session ID
- Server always create new Session ID when user log in
- Server remove the Session ID when user log out
- Server set expiration time for the session
- Client set HTTPOnly cookies
3. Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Current system: A resource of Patient with body data
name: Joker
need to save to the database via method POST /api/patient - Hacker action: Change value of field name to a script
then submit to save to the database - Result: method get this resource GET /api/patient/x will load the script on client then execute them
Hacker injection HTLM or malicious scripts into client web site. There are 3 type of XSS attract:
- XSS Reflected: Send link directly to the user to trick the user into clicking on the link then stealing cookies or session
- Dom base XSS: Change the website structure, tricking users into entering information to stals it
- Stored XSS: Directly insert malicious code the database
- Verify data input with white list characters allowed to use
- Encode HTML characters by htmlspecialchars()
- Use Content Security Policy to execute Javascript from whitelist domain
4. Insecure Direct Object References
- Current system: A Ecommerce system don’t authorization correct user, every user is the same permission
- Hacker action: Change parameters between 2 users
- Result: Will be leaked users information
- Server check permissions to execute on each request function
- Check permissions to manipulate function on the data in the request
5. Security Misconfiguration
- Current system: A config file in web application easy to see config admin account like as
...username = "admin" password = "admin"...
- Hacker action: Steal configuration file then use admin account information to attract the system.
- Result: System be attracted
- Use a check list to check configuration be careful and safe
- Don’t store production configuration at source code, this information should be configured at deployment environment
6. Sensitive Data Exposure
Scenario 1
- Current system: A system when user input wrong login, the system show sensitive information such as wrong password, wrong username.
- Hacker action: Hacker can easy known to focus attract this field
- Result: System be attracted
Scenario 2
- Current system: A banking system be attracted, then database and log file can be expose,
- Hacker action: After have data, many sensitive data can be exploited such as user information
- Result: Causing harm to users
- System doesn’t show sensitive data
- Should encrypt all sensitive data at rest by MD5, SHA2…
7. Missing Function Level Access Control
- Current system: System have url
for normal user login then get information, but allow this user change url to have higher
- Hacker action: Change url to hack information of admin
- Result: System be attracted
- Use role-base access control (RBAC) to check permission for each request
8. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Current system: Web site don’t have any token or session to check user for submit request, example a Change-password page don’t check token
- Hacker action: Create a fake Change-password to deceive users to change passwords as the hacker wanted
- Result: System be attracted
- Use token check authentication
9. Using Known Vulnerable Components
- Current system: Plugin, library, feature, files components which are not enough security
- Hacker action: Find security holes of components then attract
- Result: System be attracted
- Remove unused dependencies, feature, component, files…
- Only obtain components from official source over secure links
- Update, enhance security for components
10. Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards
- Current system: Allow easy to redirect to another website, this redirect website can not safe enough
- Hacker: Create fake links to deceive users into clicking
- Result: Steal user information
- Check redirect and show up for user confirm